One of our latest client spotlights is a bride to be with plans to look her best at her wedding. Weight loss is high on her list of wedding preparations. Weddings can be stressful and brides are challenged with many tasks leading up to the event. Choosing the wedding dress, fitting the dress, planning the event, determine the location, sampling the food, inviting the guests, travel, lodging the list goes on.
There is so much to do and the tasks can be overwhelming often leading to stress and associated weight gain.
The last thing the bride wants is to put on weight maybe even interfere with the dress fitting. The challenge is real and there is no room for error, thus the desire to look for professional help including an event planner, photographer and in this case an integrated health coach.
Afterall the photographer should be able to take the best pictures possible of the bride at her big day!
If you desire to look your best and are determined to lose weight and keep it off, we can help.
Not only can we help with the weight loss typical results are also improvements in skin condition to make sure you look stunning at your big day.
If your wedding preparation includes losing weight, don’t wait and contact us.
Client Spot Light: Wedding weight loss goals.