What happens to your physical performance when you live the primal life?
Let’s just say it gets a nice boost the kind of boost that a nice tailwind gives you on a bike.
How does it work? It works great! It’s like adding super clean fuel to your car.
The engine runs:
- smoother
- improved performance
- fewer exhaust gases
- less gunk build up
- better gas mileage
In a human this means:
- improved fat oxidation (fat burning) even at higher intensities
- lower resting heart rate
- less lactic acid build up
- FTHR Functional Threshold Heart Rate is increased (15 beats in my case)
which essentially means your moving your sustainable redline up by 15 beats - quicker recovery
- less soreness
- weight loss (60lbs in my case)
- Improved FTP Functional Threshold Power (15W in my case)
Imagine what a loss of 60lbs and a gain of 15W FTP can do - no more bonking (running out of juice)
Results are dependent on your commitment and starting point.